Monday 7 December 2009

LARPers talk about character creation and LARPING documentary!

Documentary made by a bunch of English Video Production students, following a Live Action Role Playing (LARPING) event, focusing on character creation.

Saturday 5 December 2009

How to get into LARPing and experience the lifestyle.

Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be a knight, a wizard, or maybe a king or a queen? The days of knights are long gone but there are organizations, groups and events that still celebrate the beauty and wonder of the Middle Ages. You might not be able to live a medieval life full time but there are some great ways you can try it out on the weekends!

Go to a Renaissance Faire

This is a great way to experience a little bit of the Renaissance life as a spectator or as a participant if you choose. You will like this if you are just looking for some entertainment in the traditional way -although Renaissance Faires can be very interactive.

Picture yourself taking a trip back in time to the middle ages and experiencing a real faire. That is exactly what many Faires try to do. They will have arts and crafts, armor and weapons, and many medieval type items for sale. These Faires often have jousting tournaments and real blacksmiths. Often times they will have a rental shop where you can rent some renaissance clothing for your stay at the faire. Of course the food is very thematic and at a faire you will often see people walking around munching on enormous turkey legs and other such medieval-like food.

Try Larping

Larping is based on the acronym LARP, which stands for Live Action Role-Playing. It is a wonderful type of hobby that takes the concept of gaming to a new level of reality. It is loosely based on the early dungeons and dragons games where players would sit around a table and talk their way through a dungeon. In Larping the players take this to another level. They dress the part and actually do the adventure type things –including combat. It is something that people often will do on a weekend and there are even larping events that last for a full weekend. During one of these events people dress in authentic medieval clothing and don armor and foam weapons. There can be very elaborate story lines that come with larping events and some events have very detailed guidelines for combat, language, dress and more. The goal is to bring you as close to the reality of the period as possible.

Join the SCA

The Society for Creative Anachronism – They have quite a creative name and the espouse a really creative lifestyle. They are an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe. They have a very large member base and they sponsor big events such as Renaissance Faires, tournaments and art exhibits. They have a popular and easy to find website if you want more information on them.

Stay In A Medieval Castle

The tourist industry has changed quite significantly over the past ten years and the Bed and Breakfast niche of travel has gotten very creative in that many real castles peppered throughout all of Europe are now full fledged Bed and Breakfast facilities. Some of them are very fancy and expensive while others are reasonably priced. A little bit of internet research can turn up quite a few wonderful castles in this niche. You can actually sleep like a King in one of these facilities!

The Middle Ages were a very unusual period in our history and many people hold a strong fascination for the lifestyle of that time. And even though this period is now many hundreds of years behind us you can still experience a little bit of it today in the modern world.

Friday 4 December 2009

Is it save to buy LOTR gold for the MMORPG, gaming

We all know that the mmorpg community are spending all their big bucks on virtual items and currencies. Lord of the Rings online is one of the newest mmorpgs out and many players are asking whether they will get in trouble in Turbine if they buy LOTRO gold from sellers. I believe selling gold, items, accounts and powerleveling should be legal, but that is just my opinion.

I would considered this to be another method of cheating for a game, I'm sure everyone likes to cheat in a game on way or another. If a player were to buy LOTR gold from another it can be considered as a transfer fee or payment for the time spent to collect that gold or item. As for other services such as powerleveling or buying some one elses account is like selling your game cartridge when you do not want to play anymore. Well, except for powerleveling which is a bit different. You are basically paying someone to play the game for you. I do not see the harm in that.

Many other players disapproves of the idea of this level of service but the fact is not many players have the money available to spend. Also into consideration is that they believe it destroys the fun of the game and what not. The only reason I believe it would destroy the fun of the game is because there may be an overcrowdness of playeres who only farms for the gold to sell and may disrupt other players from having a good time.

I believe this service is a great way of cheating and getting to the more enjoyable stages of the game. If Turbine should disagree with selling gold, accounts and what not I do not see what much can they do to prevent so from happening. At most they will ban your account but for them to provide proof that you had sent payment to another player to get acquire the gold is difficult. Thus, the only person they would probably ban would be the seller. They would never be able to kill the desire of another player wanting to buy and another willing to provide.

If other games such as EverQuest, Star Wars Galaxies and any games relating to Sony Online Entertainment supports the system then why shouldn't all mmorpgs as well? SOE has created a market place in which a player may auction their currencies to another player. In some ways, I believe the player has the right to sell their account if they no longer want to play. They purchased the game and played the time, if another player is willing to buy their game then its their right to sell since they are now the owner of that account.

Thursday 3 December 2009


The Lord of the Rings is a very famous and popular fantasy trilogy that was filmed and now the trilogy of movies is enjoying immense popularity just like the original books. There is a large fan base of these movies and books and so there is also a great demand for clothing, props and weapons from these stories. There are a few Lord of the Rings swords that must be had in order to complete any weapon collection or to have as part of a role playing reenactment.

Fans of the Lord of the Ring trilogy will just have to purchase replica swords from the movies since they are such an important item of many main characters like Arwen, the Witch King and Gandalf. There are many swords to collect and when put together they make quite an impressive collection. Unlike other fantasy swords, these are more realistic in their styling and also have high quality grip wrappings on the handles which give them a special characteristic.

Due to the popularity of the movies, books and swords the Lord of the Rings series of swords make real collector's items. There are, however, some things that a collectible must have. For example, it will have an official license and a certificate of authenticity. Since many fantasy based swords are not functional, these are to be used as part of a collection or a display. As a prop would work too, but then there is always the risk of damages ensuing which will reduce the value of the sword later on.

There are also many lower priced products that are also good copies of the swords from the movies. These are usually made of stainless steel and are blunt, which means that they too are not battle ready. Even though not usable for battle reenactments, they are still great swords as props or can be put on display in your room. In order to display any Lord of the Rings swords it is best to have a plaque, wall mounting rack or stand rack.

Of course, Lord of the Rings swords are not just for fans. Those that generally collect fantasy weapons should also include these and put on display with the other items. This is because they have interesting features, such as elaborate scabbards and are large in size.

We have the best selection of swords from Lord of the Rings available in store. Visit our website and take the time to browse our entire collection of movie swords replica. We offer only the best quality at the best prices.